& Music |
Message by Title
Scripture Text |
15-12-31 |
Man’s Life and God’s Love Contrasted (I) Man’s Fleeting Life |
Psalm 103:13-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-27 |
The hard Work of Trust |
Habakkuk 2: 2-4 |
Elder Albert Westerhof |
15-12-27 |
The Lord Came to Earth as our Mediator |
LD 14
1 John 4:9-10 |
Elder Rick Haklander
15-12-25 |
Worship Great David's Greater Son |
Luke 1:31-13 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-20 |
God Gathers His Elect with Good News |
Belgic Confession, Article 17
Luke 19:1-10 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-20 |
Comforted by the Coming King
Isaiah 40:1-11, 25-31
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-13 |
The Story behind the Story |
Belgic Confession, Article 16
II Timothy 1:8-12 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-13 |
God’s Mediator |
Exodus 32:1-14 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-06 |
The True Story of the Two Adams |
Belgic Confession, Article 15
Romans 5:12-21 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-12-06 |
A Single Ray of Light |
Genesis 6:1-8 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-11-29 |
The Believer’s Dedication to Christ |
Romans 12:1-2 |
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
15-11-29 |
God’s Grace Overcomes Death’s Power |
Genesis 5 |
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
201511-22 |
God Made Man Glorious and Free |
Belgic Confession, Article 14
Genesis 2:4-7, 3:1-7 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
2015-11-22 |
Amazing Authority! |
Mark 1:16-28 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
2015-11-15 |
God is in Control |
Belgic Confession, Article 13
Romans 11:33-36
Rev. Harry Zekveld
2015-11-15 |
The Gospel of the Kingdom |
Mark 1:14-15 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
2015-11-08 |
The Creator We Serve |
Belgic Confession, Article 12
Psalm 8
Rev. Harry Zekveld
2015-11-08 |
Meet the Messiah! |
Mark 1:9-13 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-11-01 |
What Time is it? |
1 Peter 4:7-11 |
Dr.W Bredenhof-Elder Rick Haklander |
15-11-01 |
A New Beginning for the World |
Mark 1:1-8 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-25 |
The Spirit’s Glory and Majesty |
Belgic Confession, Art. 11
John 14:15-31 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-25 |
Hold on to the Rule of Christ |
Galatians 6:16-18 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-18 |
Who is Jesus? |
Matthew 28:16-20
Belgic Confession, Art. 10 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-18 |
The Centrality of Cross of Christ |
Galatians 6:11-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10- 12 |
Eat, Drink and be Merry with God! |
Ecclesiastes 9:7
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15110-11 |
How We Know and Enjoy the Triune God |
Belgic Confession, Art. 9
Revelation |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-11 |
God’s Unbreakable Harvest Law |
Galatians 6:6-10 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-04 |
The Bible’s Beautiful God is... |
Belgic Confession, Art. 8
Psalm |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-10-04 |
Are You Thriving, Christian? |
James 1:19-25 |
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
15-09-27 |
The Bible Alone No Need for More! |
Belgic Confession, Art. 6-7
Revelation 22:18-19 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-27 |
The Spirit’s Way is Christ’s Law |
Galatians 6:1-5 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-20 |
How We Know the Bible is God’s Word |
Belgic Confession, Art. 5
Psalm 19 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-20 |
God Provided a Covering for Sin & Shame |
Genesis 3:21 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-13 |
Raised on God’s Word in a godless world |
II Timothy 3:15-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-13 |
How to Get the Most out of Life |
Ecclesiastes 12:1 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-06 |
Not of the World, but to the World |
John 17:16-18 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-09-06 |
In the World, not of the World |
John 17:14-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-30 |
Where does God Speak to us Today? |
Belgic Confession 4
Hebrews 1:1-2 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
10-08-30 |
Confidence to March Forward |
Galatians 5:24-26 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-23 |
The Word of God, Not Man |
Belgic Confession 3
II Peter 1:16-21, 3:1-2 |
-Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-23 |
The Christian’s Holy War (II) |
Galatians 5:22-23 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-16 |
Everyone Knows God |
Belgic Confession 2
Romans 1:18-25
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-16 |
The Christian’s Holy War |
Galatians 5:19-23 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-09 |
The Faithful Church, Phipadelphia |
Revelation 3:7-13 |
Rev. Bill Green
15-08-09 |
The Forgotten Holy Spirit |
Galatians 5:13-18 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-02 |
God is Good! |
Belgic Confession 1 S
Psalm 86
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-08-02 |
Wisdom at any Cost |
Proverbs 4:1-9 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-26 |
Trusting our Just God in an Unjust World |
Belgic Confession 1
Psalm 11 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-26 |
“I am not ashamed of the Gospel!” |
Romans 1:16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-19 |
A Good Beginning But a Poor Ending |
II Chronicles 16:9a |
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-07-19 |
Christ in the Levitical Offering:
The Burnt Offering
Leviticus 6:8-13 |
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-07-12 |
Our Perfectly Wise God |
Belgic Confession 1
I Corinthians 2:1-10
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-12 |
Guard the Gift of Christian Freedom |
Galatians 5:1-13 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-05 |
"Nothing is too hard for You! ” |
Jeremiah 32:16-27 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-07-05 |
The God Who Changes Not |
Malachi 2:10-3:1-7a |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-06-28 |
“Righteousness Exalts a Nation” |
Psalm 34:10-12
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-06-28 |
Dealing with Doubt |
Matthew 21:21-22 |
Michael Jaatinen
15-06-21 |
The Unseen God Sees Me |
Belgic Confession 1
Exodus 33:18-34:8 I Timothy 6:13-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-06-21 |
A Tale of Two Religions |
Galatians 4:21-31 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-06-14 |
Rejoice in Your Unlimited God! |
Belgic Confession 1
Romans 11:33-36
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-06-14 |
Painful Progress in the Ministry of Christ
Galatians 4:8-20 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-060-07 |
Thriving in the Faith? |
Hebrews 12:1-13 |
Michael Jaatinen
15-06-07 |
No Longer Slaves, but Sons |
Galatians 4:1-7 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-31 |
An Everlasting God for A Short Life |
Belgic Confession 1
Psalm 90
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-31 |
God’s Law takes us to God’s Promise |
Galatians 3:10-29 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-24 |
The First Article of the True Religion |
Belgic Confession 1
Deuteronomy 6:1-8 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-24 |
Standing on the Promises of God |
Galatians 3:14-20 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-17 |
To God be the Glory! |
Lord’s Day 52, QA 128-129
Jude 17-25
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15--05-17 |
Saints on earth sustained by Jesus in Heaven |
I Corinthians 11:26 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-14 |
Clap Your Hands all You Nations |
Psalm 47 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-10 |
Weaklings at War |
Lord’s Day 52, QA 127
Ephesians 6:10-18 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-10 |
When the Lord Gives People What They Want” |
I Samuel 8:7 |
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-05-03 |
Forgiveness for the Forgiving |
Lord's Day 51
Matthew 18:21-35 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-05-03 |
Born of Water and the Spirit |
John 3:5 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-26 |
Giving Up on the Power of Worry |
Lord’s Day 50
Luke 12:22-34 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-26 |
The Watchman and the Watchmen |
Psalm 127:1 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-19 |
We Aim to Please God |
Lord’s Day 49
I Thessalonians 4:1-12 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-19 |
Who are our Children? |
Psalm 127:3 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-12 |
Praying for a Perfect World |
Lord’s Day 48
Matthew 4:13-25
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-4-12 |
From the Curse He set Me Free |
Galatians 3:10-14 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-05 |
A Little Petition, A Large Prayer |
Lord’s Day 47
Psalm 145 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-05 |
I have seen the Lord! |
John 20:19 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-04-03 |
The Outcast |
John 19:17 |
15-03-29 |
Remember Me that I May Renew You |
Psalm 81:16b |
Mr. James Zekveld
15-03-29 |
Jesus Gives Resurrection Hope to Jairus |
Mark 5:35-43 |
Mr. James Zekveld
15-03-22 |
Do You Pray with Total Confidence? |
Lord’s Day 46
Matthew 7:7-11
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-03-22 |
The Silent Lamb |
Mark 14:61a |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-03-15 |
In the 8th commandment, God calls us to work faithfully
Lord’s Day 42
Colossians 3:12-4:1, Titus 2:1-10 |
Rev. Reuben Bredenhof
15-03-15 |
Pilgrims, Look Up to God! |
Psalm 121 |
Rev. Reuben Bredenhof
15-03-08 |
Cast Your Cares on the LORD |
Lord’s Day 45
Psalm 55:1-4, 16-23
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-03-08 |
Don’t Get Sidetracked from Christ! |
Galatians 3:1-9 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-03-01 |
How to handle conviction of sin in faith |
Lord’s Day 44, QA 114, 115
I John 1:5-2:3 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-03-01 |
Believers are Both Dead and Alive |
Galatians 2:16-21 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-22 |
Be Prepared! |
I Peter 3:15 |
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
15-02-22 |
Great Expectations |
Micah 6:8 |
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
15-02-15 |
Greater than a Mother’s Love |
Isaiah 49:15-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-15 |
Out of Line with the Gospel |
Galatians 2:11-16 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-8 |
Much Land Does a Man Need?” |
Lord’s Day 44, QA 113
Luke 12:13-23 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-8 |
The Meeting that Preserved the Gospel |
Galatians 2:1-10 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-01 |
New Life! New Love! New Speech! |
Lord’s Day 43
Psalm 52 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-02-01 |
Proof that the Gospel is Supernatural |
Galatians 1:10-24 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15 01-25 |
Redeemed from the Love of Money |
Lord’s Day 42
I Timothy 6:1-12 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-01-25 |
Gospel Messenger confronts Gospel Deserters
Galatians 1:1-9 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15 01 18 |
Good Housekeeping |
Lord’s Day 41
I Corinthians 6:9-20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-01-18 |
The Gospel of Grace and Peace |
Galatians 1:3-5 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-01-11 |
How Jesus Heals Murderers |
I John 3:10-18 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-01-11 |
Pass it on |
Psalm 78:1-8 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld
15-01-04 |
Christ, the Preeminent One |
Colossians 1:15-20 |
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-01-04 |
I have not come to call the righteous but sinners |
Matthew 9:13b |
Rev Peter Vellinga
15-01-01 |
Great is Thy Faithfulness (11)
Resting in Mersies Promised |
Lamentations 3;23 |
Rev. Harry Zekveld