Sermons 2014
& Music
Message by Title
Scripture Text
14-12-28 Not Ashamed of the Gospel Romans 1:16-17
Rev.Jeff Poort
14-12-28 Israel’s Strength and Consolation Luke 2:30-32
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-25 “All who Heard it were Amazed” Luke 2:15-20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-21 Family-Driven Faith Lord’s Day 39
Ephesians 6:1-3
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-21 The Glory of Jesus’ First Appearance Hebrews 9:26b-28
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-14 Day of all the Week the Best! Lord’s Day 38
Hebrews 4:1-11
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-14 Are You Ready for the Lord’s Coming? Matthew 3:1-12
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-07 Lift High His Great and Awesome Name! Lord’s Days 36-37
Exodus 20:7
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-12-07 Advent-mindedness: Joy Luke 1:39-56
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-30 God Unifies His People in Holiness through Jesus Christ Ezekiel 37:15-25
Rev. Dave De Boer
14-11-30 God Brings the Dead to Life hrough His Spirit Ezekiel 37:1-14
Rev. Dave De Boer
14-11-23 Graven Images v7s. God’s Image Lord’s Day 35
Deuteronomy 4:1-18
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-23 From Groaning to Glory Romans 8:23
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-16 The Idol-Killing Soul of True Faith Lord’s Day 34, QA 94, 95 Psalm 81
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-16 The Glorious God of True Faith Psalm 81:10
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-09 God’s Way for the New Covenant Christian Lord’s Day 34, QA 92, 93
Hebrews 8
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-09 Do not Grieve the Spirit of God Ephesians 4:30
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-11-02 The Pleasure of God’s Presence Psalm 84
Mr. Bryan Punter
14-11-02 Do Not Set Aside the Grace of God Galatians 2:11-21
Rev. Peter Vellenga
14-10-26 What makes a Good Work Good? Lord’s Day 33 Ps. 51:16-17, Romans 12:1-2
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-26 The Spirit of the Body Ephesians 4:4
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-20 Why the Freely Saved Freely Serve Lord’s Day 32
Ephesians 5:1-10
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-20 Led by the Spirit of Adoption Romans 8:12-27
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-13 Everyone, Everything, Everywhere Psalm 148
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-12 The Door to Heaven’s Blessings Lord’s Day 31
Matthew 18:1-4, 15-20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-12 The Powerful Spirit of Holiness Galatians 5:16-26
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-05 A Table that Divides (II) Lord’s Day 30b
I Corinthians 11:17-32
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-10-05 The Spirit of Supplication Poured Out John 16:8-11
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-28 A Table that Divides (I) Lord’s Day 29-30a
I Corinthians 11:23-26
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-28 The Most Beautiful Book in all the World II Peter 1:20-21
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-21 You Have Everything in Christ Alone (1I) Colossians 2:13-15
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-21 You Have Everything in Christ Alone (I) Colossians 2:10a
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-14 “Call to Me” Jeremiah 33:3
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-09-14 Persevering Faith James 1:9-18
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-09-07 A Second Generous Helping of Gospel Lord’s Day 28
Luke 22:7-20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-09-07 The Spirit-filled Son of God Luke 4:1a
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-31 God’s Powerful Tattoo for His People Lord’s Day 27
Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-31 Creator Spirit Genesis 1:2
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-24 Your Baptism on Monday Morning Lord’s Day 26
Romans 6:1-7
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-24 Bear One Another’s Burdens Galatians 6:2
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-17 How the Holy Spirit Feeds Our Faith Lord’s Day 25
I Peter 1:22-2:3
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-17 Hope Cemetery Joshua 24:28-33
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-08-10 The Spirit of God Lord's Day 20
Zechariah 4: 6
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-08-10 Joyful Trials? James 4:1-4
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-08-03 God’s Design For You Lord’s Day 10
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-08-03 Restoring Your Joy Psalm 51:12
Mr. Michael Jaatinen
14-07-27 Where do good works fit in? Lord’s Day 24
Ephesians 2:1-10
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-27 God of the Covenant Joshua 24:1-27
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-20 How does a sinner become righteous? Lord’s Day 23
Romans 3:19-28
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-20 The LORD is Our Help and Our Hope Psalm 146
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-13 Living Here and Now Not for the Here and Now Lord’s Day 22
Colossians 3:1-14
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-13 Hold Fast to the LORD Your God” Joshua 23
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-06 God’s Glorious Gift of Forgiveness Lord’s Day 21, QA 56
Romans 4:1-8
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-07-06 Joshua 22
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-29 Christ’s Charismatic Community Lord’s Day 21, QA 55
I Corinthians 12:1-27
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-29 God Always Keeps All His Promises!
Joshua 21:43-45
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-22 Doing Church or Being Church?
Lord’s Day 21, QA 54
Acts 2:37-46
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-22 Covenant Pervaders
Joshua 21:1-42
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-15 Jesus Ministers Beyond Borders
Mark 7:24-30
Rev. Peter Vellenga
14-06-15 David’s Crown and Conquest
II Samuel 5:1-16
Rev. Adam Kaloostian
14-06-08 The King’s Banquet
Esther 1
Rev. Martin Vogel
John 7:37-39
Rev. Martin Vogel
14-06-01 Heaven’s Power Fills the Church
LD 20, QA 53
Acts 2
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-06-01 God provides a Place of Justice and Mercy
Joshua 20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-25 I confidently await Judgment Day
LD 19, QA 52
Titus 2:11-15
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-25 How the risen Jesus reveals Himself to us
John 21:1-14
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-18 Under the Shadow of His Throne
LD 18, QA 50-51
Ephesians 1:15-2
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-18 History Matters
Joshua 19
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-11 Heaven Guaranteed!
LD 18, QA 48-49
Romans 8:28-39
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-11 Called to Covenant Commitment
Joshua 24:23
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-05-04 I will Remember the Deeds of the Lord
Psalm 77
Rev. Dale Collison
14-05-04 Keeping Careful Watch
Acts 20:17-38
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-27 Promoted…to Heaven!
LD 18, QA 46-47
Acts 1:1-11
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-27 So the work of God’s kingdom carried on
Joshua 18
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-23 The Lord is Near
Psalm 145
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-20 The Irrepressible Power of the Risen Christ
Acts 4:20
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-20 The Earthshaking Power of Christ’s Resurrection
Lord’s Day 17
Matthew 28:1-10
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-18 The Aftershocks of Jesus’ Death
Matthew 27:51-54
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-13 Lessons from the LORD’s Lot to Joseph
Joshua 16-17
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-13 “You shall surely die!”
Matt 21:1-11; Jn 19:28-36
Lord’s Day 16 QA 40-42
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-06 The Holy Family: Out of the Saltshaker
Matthew 5:13
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-04-06 Understanding Jesus Suffering Rightly (2) The Cross He Bore
John 19:15-30
Lord’s Day 15 QA 39
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-30 Understanding Jesus’ Suffering Rightly
Lord’s Day 15
John 19:1-16
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-30 Judah Counts God’s Blessings
Joshua 15
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-23 The Holy Family: Christian Nouthetics
Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 20-25
Eph. 6:4
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-23 The LORD puts Caleb in front
Joshua 14
Rev. Harry Zekveld
Lord’s Day 14
Galatians 3:26-4:7
Rev. Harry Zekveld
Joshua 13
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-09 Who can forgive sins but God alone?
Lord’s Day 13
Mark 2:1-12
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-09 The King of Bethel one
Joshua 12
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-02 How believing in Christ changes you
Lord’s Day 12, QA 32I Peter 2:4-12
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-03-02 ‘Do not be afraid of them!’
Joshua 11:6a
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-02-23 Jesus Christ is Rejected by His Own
Mark 6:1-6
Rev Peter Vellinga
14-02-23 Jesus Christ Secures Victory Over Death
Mark 5:35-43
Rev Peter Vellinga
14-02-16 Do you believe Jesus is the Christ?
Lord’s Day 12, QA 31
John 4:1-26
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-02-16 Be Strong in the LORD
Joshua 10:25
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-02-09 What does it mean to believe in Jesus?
Lord’s Day 11
John 15:1-8
Rev. Harry Zekveld
Romans 6:11-14
Rev. Harry Zekveld
Ephesians 6:4
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-02-02 This is My Father’s World (2)
Lord’s Day 10
Psalm 104:10-28
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-26 The Authority of Scripture
Matthew 22: 23-33
Mr.Brian Schouwstra
14-01-26 God uses Melchizedek to Guard Abram
Genesis 14:17-24

Mr. Brian Schouwstra

14-01-19 This is My Father’s World
Believe Lord’s Day 9
Job 23
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-19 True Worship (12): Go With God!
II Corinthians 13:14
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-12 Blessed Trinity! Blessed Life!
Lord’s Day 8
Ephesians 5:8-21
Rev. Harry Zekveld
Ephesians 6:4
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-05 Transported into a new world – Now!
Lord’s Day 7: QA 20-22
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-05 The Holy Family (2):Mom’s High Calling
Proverbs 31:10-31
Rev. Harry Zekveld
14-01-01 Standing at the Crossroads: (1)
Going Back to the Future (II)
Jeremiah 6:16
Rev. Harry Zekveld