Lord�s Day 26, July 1, 2018


Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. (Psalm 111:1)In the company of our fellow believers whom we love, let us praise the God whom we love � from the heart. He loved us and saved us so that we might give our hearts and lives to Him.


A hearty welcome to our visitors today! We pray that God will bless you in our midst as we worship Him together. Please join us after the worship services for refreshments and fellowship.




Morning Service � 9:30 a.m.

Silent Prayer (concluded by singing PH 292:2)
*Song of Approach  PH 224
*Call to Worship   
*Confession of Dependence
     M: Congregation, in whose name is your help?
      C: Our help is in the name of the LORD,
           the Maker of heaven and earth.
*God’s Greeting
*Song of Adoration  “Behold Our God!”
God’s Law and Promise
Song of Confession  PH 43:1,2,4
Congregational Prayer
Offerings  1) Church  2) Mission of T.E.A.R.S.)
*Song of Preparation  PH 379
What We Believe  Lord’s Day 44
Scripture Reading  Psalm 139
Sermon  Lay Your Heart Open before the Lord
                      1)  for inspection
                      2)  for correction
                      3)  for reformation
Prayer of Application
*Song of Response  PH 288:1-3; 289:2,5  (tune: 288)
*The Benediction
*Closing Song  PH 316


Afternoon Service � 3:00 p.m.

Silent Prayer (concluded by singing PH 489)
*Song of Approach  PH 307
*Call to Worship
*Confession of Dependence
    M: Congregation, in whose name is your help?
     C: Our help is in the name of the LORD,
          the Maker of heaven and earth.
*God’s Greeting
*Song of Adoration  PH 230
*Confession of Faith  Nicene Creed (p. 4)
*concluding doxology  PH 13:1,4
Reading through the Psalms  Psalm 109
Congregational Prayer
Offering  Mission of T.E.A.R.S. (Karen Bultje)
*Song of Preparation  HP 200
Scripture Reading  Ecclesiastes 10:16-11:8
Text  Ecclesiastes 10:16-11:8
Sermon  Just do something!” Stepping Out to
                Serve God in an unpredictable World
Prayer of Application
*Song of Response  PH 174
*Closing Song  PH 467


Next Sunday, Lord willing, Mr. Bryce de Zwarte will lead the morning service and have a pulpit exchange

with Pastor Steve Williamson of Cornerstone URC in London in the afternoon.Pastor Zekveld is scheduled to lead the Worship services at New Horizon URC in Toronto next Sunday.


Next Sunday, Lord willing, we will gather to hear the Lord speak to us in His Word:

AM Service: 1 Kings 8:22-66 A House Dedicated to the LORD

PM Service: led by Pastor Steve Williamson of Cornerstone URC in London 



July 1

July 8

July 15




Fam. W. DeBoer


Fam. John Feddema


Fam. H. Pastoor


Fam. W. Feddema

Fam. J. Benjamins

Fam. R. Haklander


Steve Anjema

Dave Vanoostveen

Phil Dekker

Chris Prange

Nathan Talsma

Owen Veenendaal


Hank & Marg VanderSleen

Kornelis & Francine Kolstein

Kornelis & Francine Kolstein

Rick & Anje Boer

Rick & Anje Boer

Harry & Wendy Pranger



Jon & Jocelyn Westerhof

Mike & Rachel VanderDeen

Dave & Bethany VanderDeen



Mission of Tears

(Karen Bultje)

Mid America Reformed Seminary

Strathroy Community Christian School

NURSERY Rm.1:����



Rm. 2:

Rachel Dekker

Pam VanderMeyden

Vera Hoogendoorn

Jennifer Pranger

Bethany VanderDeen

Lyn Zekveld

Antoinette Prange

Denise Clarke

Kezia Haklander

Arlene Veenendaal

Trisha Bouma

Janine Bouma

Deanna Zylstra

Janelle Brunsveld

Leah Pennings

Cheri Kooistra

Janneke Dejong

Keira Baker

P.M.�� Rm. 1:



Sue Bork

Jessica Brunsveld

Els DeJong

Ariya Vellenga

Hermena Brunsveld

Johanna Westerhof

Suzanna Westerhof

Nicole Prange

Joanne Huizinga

Abby Dekker

Krista VanderWal

Kayla Dekker

Mother for the Month


������������������������ Christy VanderDeen


�����     This Sunday’s Second Offering is for Mission of TEARS.Mission of T.E.A.R.S. is working to

����� build the indigenous Christian populations from the people we serve to be leaders in their families, homes, work places, communities, societies, churches and countries.Currently,

����� their work is being done in Ethiopia, South Africa, Jamaica, Russia and Haiti.

����� For more information visit www.missionoftears.com.


 Thank You Note:�� Thank you to all who celebrated with us our 60th Wedding Anniversary and thanks for your prayers and cards.    Jim and Barb Tamming.


Trinity Psalter Hymnals: The newly published Trinity Psalter Hymnals have arrived, along with a separate book containing the Ecumenical Creeds, Reformed Confessions and Liturgical Forms. In a couple of weeks we hope to get the new books stamped and placed in the pews alongside the Psalter Hymnals. The books ordered individually by members of the congregation will also be available to be picked up at the church. More information about this will be forthcoming when these orders are ready to be distributed. May the Lord empower us by His Holy Spirit to lift up thankful voices to Him in our singing!


Book Table at Strathroy Downtown Market: Our Evangelism Committee has set up a book table at the Strathroy downtown market on Saturday mornings from 8:00 am � 12:00 noon. The purpose of this book table is to make literature available to people who want to know more about the Christian faith. If you would like to take a turn sitting at the book table, please contact Alvin Brunsveld.


Evangelism Seminar for our Congregation (advance notice): “How to share the message of Jesus with your neighbour” On October 18, D.V.,
Rev. Henry Bartsch, pastor of Chatham Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, will lead us in a seminar on Methods of Personal Evangelism This is intended for all members of our congregation, especially our younger members and children. Please mark October 18 on your calendars!


Everyone is welcome to be a spectator at the soccer game we are hosting for our Mexican friends, this coming Thursday at Taxandria Soccer Fields. The game begins at 7pm and wraps up with scrumptious food and fellowship. Come on out, rain or shine!


Teen Club:There will be a short Teen Club meeting (Teens & parents)after the morning service.All new (this fall)Teen Club kids and their parents are invited as well.


Ourbulletin editor, Liz Looper would like to retire.

If anyone would like to take on the work of making the weekly church bulletin, please contact Liz Looper or Pastor Zekveld.


Life Renewal: �O for a closer walk with Thee!� Would you like to help others enjoy a closer walk with God? Do you need others to help you enjoy a closer walk with God? Life Renewal is a 26-week program which helps Christians share their struggles in a confidential context with fellow believers, and also allows you to help others through their struggles. We will meet on Monday nights from September through April this coming season at Providence URC in Strathroy. For further information, please contact Ralph van der Wal at 519-317-0388.


Word & Deed Update:Word & Deed has been offering support to orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS in Malawi.  At the Chilowe Centre, volunteers and a paid teacher work with parents/guardians to provide support to 58 vulnerable children. The children meet to hear the good news of the Gospel through Bible stories and receive tutoring, as well as a bowl of porridge.  It is encouraging to see intelligent, God-fearing people dedicate their time and talents to serve in this way. Please join us in the prayer that many vulnerable children will survive the multi-faceted poverty that they live in and become God-fearing citizens of Malawi.


Our Church Family

-Please continue to remember Marianne Nugteren in your prayers. She is waiting to be booked for an angiogram. May our heavenly Father give her strength as she looks for healing mercies from His almighty hand.


-Council has accepted the request of Mrs. Janny Klazinga to become a member at Providence United Reformed Church. Janny comes to us from the Wyoming Christian Reformed Church. If there are no lawful objections, she will be welcomed as a member of our congregation on July 15, Lord willing.


-We give thanks that Michael & Karen Jaatinen arrived safely in Moncton New Brunswick this week. May the Lord bless them as Michael is ordained to the ministry of the Word at Mt. Zion ARP in Moncton this Friday, July 6, D.V.


-We remember Nelia Van Dam and her family in our prayers as she becomes weaker and draws nearer to the heavenly home she longs for.  


Pray for our Missionaries and Mission workers: Rich & Yukyung Bultje are church-planters in Niagara Falls, Canada. Pray for:

1) wisdom to deal with the baggage of those coming to faith and seeking membership.

2) both loving words to speak, and for boldness as we continue to do our door to door ministry and other outreach activities.

3) a new building for our church that would be more suitable for worship and ministry.


-Pray for Nancy Geertsma as she and Luke prepare for their wedding.



Song of the Month: The Lord�s My Shepherd, I�ll Not Want


Memory Verse::I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God. I trust in God�s unfailing love

���������������������������������������������������������������� forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8)

Counselling Support: Christian Counselling Center 1-866-833-2741info@christiancounsellingcenter.ca

Intern Bryce de Zwarte:226-378-1007, brycedezwarte@gmail.com.

Council chairman: Henk Pastoor 519-882-4940���� hspastoor@gmail.com

Vice-chairman: Clarence VanderDeenvanderdeenc@gmail.com

Deacon chairman: Clarence Vander Deenvanderdeenc@gmail.com

Clerk: George Wiegers � purc.council@gmail.com

Pastor: Harry Zekveld � 519-246-1261, hzekveld@gmail.com

Bulletin Secretary: Liz Looper � 519-247-3702, lizlooper@hotmail.cadeadline:Thursdays, 4 p.m.
