July 30 to Aug. 3, 2018 Vacation Bible School

Strathroy Providence United Reformed Church

447 Second Street, Strathroy

July 30 to Aug. 3, 2018

Children in JK to Grade 5 are invited to attend.

We will be learning how to “Put on the Armour of God”

From 9:00 to 12:00 each day we will enjoy Bible stories, singing, crafts, outdoor activities and snacks.

For more information on this free event, please call

Evelyn Leistra at (519)264-2014 or send an

e-mail to vbsregistration@live.com

Registration: Please register by sending an e-mail to vbsregistration@live.com

Please include your child(ren)’s name(s) and grade(s)in Sept.

Registration will be verified.

August 13-17! London Christian High Summer Volleyball Camp: August 13-17! The camp is open to students going into grades 6-9 this fall. Cost is $175/student. Registration is open now at: https://www.ldcss.ca/volleballcamp Sign up today!
August 16-25, 2018, Summer Service Opportunity for Teachers: Adoration Christian Centre (a partner of Word & Deed Ministries) is currently looking for 6 teachers to come to Adoration Christian School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from August 16-25, 2018, to conduct teacher training seminars at their annual conference. Applicants should have a minimum of one year of teaching experience. We are especially looking for two high school, two grade school, and primary and special education teachers, to cover a variety of education topics with our growing staff and teachers from other local Christian schools. Applications, available through the Adoration website, are due March 30. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Al at dalstares@hotmail.com
September through April Life Renewal: “O for a closer walk with Thee!” Would you like to help others enjoy a closer walk with God? Do you need others to help you enjoy a closer walk with God? Life Renewal is a 26-week program which helps Christians share their struggles in a confidential context with fellow believers, and also allows you to help others through their struggles. We will meet on Monday nights from September through April this coming season at Providence URC in Strathroy. For further information, please contact Ralph van der Wal at 519-317-0388.
October 18, D.V. Evangelism Seminar for our Congregation (advance notice): “How to share the message of Jesus with your neighbour” On October 18, D.V., Rev. Henry Bartsch, pastor of Chatham Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, will lead us in a seminar on Methods of Personal Evangelism. This is intended for all members of our congregation, especially our younger members and children. Please mark October 18 on your calendars!