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Belgic Confession Article 13 - 37 February 1, 2009 - March 7, 2010
Belgic Confession Article and Scripture Text
The Only God Worthy of Your Trust
Belgic Conf. Art.13
Isaiah 46:3-4
No Free Will Apart From Christ
Belgic Conf. Art.14
Romans 8:1-1
Sin is Radical; Grace is Too
Belgic Conf. Art.15
Ephesians 2:1-10
God Revealed in His Eternal Decree
Belgic Conf. Art.16
I Peter 2:1-12
Our Soveriegn God is a Gracious Saviour
Belgic Conf. Art.17
Genesis 3:1-21; John 3:16
God Sent His Son to Save Us
Belgic Conf. Art.18
Galatians 4:1-7
The Integrity of Our Redeemer
Belgic Conf. Art.19
Philippians 2:1-11
The Holiness of God in Saving Sinners
Belgic Conf. Art.20
Romans 3:9-26
Jesus Christ Offered Himself to God
Belgic Conf. Art.21
Hebrews 2:14-18
How Blessed Are the Justified!
Belgic Conf. Art.22
Romans 4:1-8; 5:1
True Faith Works!
Belgic Conf. Art.24
Matthew 7:15-29
The Law in the Christian Life
Belgic Conf. Art.25
Col. 2:16-3:11
Why Look for Another Mediator
Belgic Conf. Art. 26
Hebrews 4:14-16;
Christ Gives Good Order to His Church
Belgic Conf. Art. 30
I Tim. 2:8-3:16;
Called to Office in Christ's Church
Belgic Conf. Art. 31
Acts 14:21-28;
The Disciplines of a Healthy Church
Belgic Conf. Art. 32;
I Cor. 14:26-40
Pledges of God's Grace
Belgic Conf. Art.33
Genesis 15
Baptism: Bearing the Mark of Christ
Belgic Confession. Art:34;
A Banquet for Believers in the Wilderness
Belgic Confession. Art. 35;
1 Corinthians. 10:1-7
Civil Government is God's Gift
Belgic Confession Art. 36:
Romans 13:1-7
Looking Forward to That Great Day
Belgic Confession Art. 37
Revelation 20:11-21:8