Sermons 2016
Services 2014W
Services 2015
Date Message
& Music
Message by Title
Scripture Text Messenger
2016-10-30 For God’s Sake Honor the Prime Minister Belgic Confession, Article 36
I Peter 2:11-17
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-30 The Severe Challenge of Serving Christ Mark 9:42-50 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-23 Rejoice! The Marriage Feast is Here Revelation 19:7-9 Mr James Zekveld
2016-10-23 Hear the Terrible and Holy Word Hebrews 12:18-25a Mr James Zekveld
2016-10-16 Eating and Drinking Christ in the Wilderness Belgic Confession, Article 35
I Corinthians 10:1-6
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-16 Understanding Greatness God’s Way Mark 9:30-42 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-10 Give Thanks to God – it’s good for you! Psalm 147 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-09 Baptized in the Red Sea Belgic Confession, Article 34
I Corinthians 10:1-6
Rev Harry Zekveld
2010-10-09 Jesus Breaks through a Wall of Unbelief
Mark 9:14-29
Rev Harry Zekveld
2010-10-01 The Pilgrim’s Pathway I Peter 2:11-12 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-10-01 They Saw the Glory of Christ Mark 9:1-13 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-25 The Pure love the holiness of God’s house Psalm 26 Rev. James Sinke
2016-09-25 Choosing between Life and Death Mark 8:35-38 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-18 Christ gave Deacons to the Church Belgic Confession, Article 30
Acts 6:1-7
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-18 Confessing Christ in Truth Mark 8:31-38 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016--09-11 God Gave Us Crutches for Our Faith Belgic Confession, Article 33
Genesis 17:1-14
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-11 Step by Step with Christ Mark 8:22-30 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-04 Order vs. Anarchy and Tyranny Belgic Confession, Article 32
I Corinthians 14:26-40
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-09-04 How many bread miracles does it take? Mark 8:1-21 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-08-28 Life without the King (II): Twisted Morals Judges 19 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-28 Life without the King (I): False Religion Judges 17-18 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-21 An Occasion against the Philistines Judges 14:4 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-21 His Name is Wonderful Judges 13:18 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-14 Judges 11:29-40 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-14 Judges 10:6 – 11:11 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-08-07 Needed: Faithful Men to Lead the Church Belgic Confession, Articles 30-31 I Timothy 3 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-08-07 Jesus Brings Salvation Across the Line :Mark 7:24--37 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-07-31 The Blessings of Persecution Matthew 5 10-12Art. 29 -8 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-07-31 The Thorny Question of Kingship Judges 8: 22 – 9: 24 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-07-24 Encouragement for a Shy Believer Judges 6 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-07-24 A Story of Four Heroes Judges 4 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-07-17 How’s Your Heart? Mark 7:14-23 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-07-17 Where’s Your Heart? Mark 7:1-13 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-07-10 God’s Glorious Salvation in our Messy World Judges 3:10a, 15a Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-07-10 A Psalm of Remembrance
Psalm 105:8
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-07-03 Christ’s Peacekeeping Force Matthew 5:9- Art. 29 -7 Rev Harry Zekveld
20116-07-03 Mercy for Hardened Hearts Mark 6:45-56 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-26 Cycles of grace Judges 2:16-18 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-06-26 Full obedience Judges 1:1 – 2:5 Mr. Arjen Vreugdenhil
2016-06-19 Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. Romans 5 Rev. James Sinke
2016-06-19 The Christian finds peace at the day’s end. Text: Psalm 4 Rev. James Sinke
2016-06-12 Pursuing God Psalm 63:1-8 Mr. Michael Jaatinen
2016-06-12 Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ Ephesians 1:3-7 Mr. Michael Jaatinen
2016-06-05 True Purity Matthew 5:8-Art. 29-6 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-06-05 The True Shepherd of Israel has come! Mark 6:30-44 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-29 Marked by the Master’s Mercy Matthew 5:7-Art. 29-5 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-29 A Murderer Trembles Before Christ Mark 6:12-29 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-22 The Righteousness Cravings of Faith Matthew 5:5 Art. 29-4 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-22 When Jesus Comes to Your Town Mark 6:1-13 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-15 The Beautiful Quality of Christian Meekness Matthew 5:5 Art. 29-3 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-15 The Ascended Christ Fills His Church Acts 2:17 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-08 The True Christian is a Happy Mourner Belgic Confession, Art. 29-2 Matthew 5:4 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-08 Five Faith Lessons Mark 5:21-43 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-05 The Quadrupule Security of the Ascended Christ Roamans 8:34 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-01 The First Mark of theTrue Church-1 Belgic Confession, Art. 29-1 Matthew 5:3 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-05-01 We Are the Church I Timothy 3:14-15 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-24 Where is the True Church? Belgic Confession, Art 29
I Kings 12:25-33
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-24 Jesus Reclaims a Ruined Life Mark 5:1-20 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-17 What it means to Belong to Christ’s Church Belgic Confession, Art 28 Acts 2:36-47 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-17 Faith Tested in the Storm Mark 4:35-5:1 Rev Harry Zekveld
2015-04-13 He Makes Grass Grow on the Hills Psalm 147:8 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-10 The Church: Christ’s Beloved Bride Belgic Confession, Art 27 Ephesians 5:21-27 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-10 Making Much of Christ’s Word Mark 4:21-34 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-03 “Bold, I Approach the Eternal Throne” Belgic Confession, Art 26 (handout) Hebrews 4:14-16 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-04-03 How’s Your Hearing? Mark 4:1-20 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-27 The Great Deception Matthew 28:11-15 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-27 Vainly They Seal the Dead” Matthew 28:1-10 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-25 Unholy Mockery Matthew 27:27-56 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-20 Who is this King of Glory? Psalm 24 Rev. Taylor Kern
2016-03-20 Behold Your King! Matthew 21:1-17 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-13 How to Use God’s Law Properly Belgic Confession, Art. 25
Deuteronomy 14:1-21
Colossians 2:16-19
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-13 Who is Jesus’ True Family? Mark 3:31-35 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-03-06 If it Easy to be Critical of Others? 1 Corintians 1:1-9 Rev Jeff De Boer
2016-03-06 Jesus: Mad, Bad, or True? Mark 3:20-30 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-28 Your Kingdom Come: We pray that ourFather in Heaven would display His reign. Matthew 6: 9-10 Mr. Brian Schouwstra
2016-02-28 Are We Listening? God’s Children in Trial Respond to His Speaking to them James 1:19-20 Mr. Brian Schouwstra
2016-02-21 Christ is Not a Promoter of Sin! Belgic Confession, Article 24 Galatians 2:15-3:5 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-21 Proclaiming Christ to the Whole World Matthew 24:14 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-14 The Gospel in Real Life Belgic Confession, Article 23
Romans 5:1-10
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-14 Jesus’ Merciful Kingdom Mark 3:6-19 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-07 Jesus Christ is Far Better than Fig Leaves! Belgic Confession, Article 23
Romans 4:1-8
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-02-07 Reclaiming the Sabbath Day Mark 2:23-3:6 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-31 What does real Faith look like? Belgic Confession, Article 22
John 6:48-59
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-31 New Wine Demands a New Way Mark 2:18-22
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-24 Jesus, God’s Perfect High Priest Belgic Confession, Article 21
Hebrews 9:23-28
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-24 Mercy for Despicable Matthew Mark 2:13-17 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-17 Jesus not Ashamed to Call us Brothers Belgic Confession, Article 20
Hebrews 2:10-18
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-17 Jesus Brought Forgiveness to Earth Mark 2:1-12 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-10 Can God Die? Adoring the Mystery of Jesus Belgic Confession, Article 19 Acts 20:25-31
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-10 A Great King Who Heals our Diseases Mark 1:29-45 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-03 The Word Became Flesh Belgic Confession, Article 18
Matthew 1:18-25
Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-03 Three Watchwords for Progress II Peter 3:17-18 Rev Harry Zekveld
2016-01-01 Man’s Life and God’s Love Contrasted (II) God’s Enduring Love Psalm 103:17-18 Rev Harry Zekveld